Wednesday 28 August 2013

Now up by £303.11

I was away for a couple of days so didn't get to play on JPJ again until today. I completely ignored my strategy of only depositing £10 and added £100 instead. Not quite sure what came over me - its very rare for me to deposit anything like this amount! Apart from the deposit amount i did actually follow the rest of my own guidelines and it worked rather well i have to say - £190 now banked :) 

Sunday 18th - £1.80
Monday 19th - £15
Tuesday 20th - £0 (lost bonus money)
Wednesday 21st - £21.41
Thursday 22nd - £25
Friday 23rd - £24.52
Saturday 24th - £0 (didn't play)
Sunday 25th - £25.38
Monday 26th - £0 (didn't play)
Tuesday 27th - £0 (didn't play)
Wednesday 28th - £190

Total Earned: £303.11

As you can see from above that brings my total up to £303.11.  Its great to get such a big boost, but it was an increased risk strategy and i could well have lost that £100 - i'd like to think i wouldn't keep going until it was all gone, but who knows what we can do when the temptation is there! 

Am very happy to have an extra £300 odd quid this month i have to say :) 

Sunday 25 August 2013

A weeks worth of earnings.....

It might seem a bit strange to talk about earnings instead of winnings when using a gambling site, but in my view that is what they are.  I 'earned' money this week by employing a new strategy which reduced the risks i was taking with my money.  Winnings to me are all about taking risks - big risks are taken for the possibility of big winnings.  Low risk (or at least lower risk) is more associated with earning for me.

My strategy was simple, add £10 to the account each day and gamble using roulette to increase that money.  Stop and withdraw cash as soon as the winning seemed to turn into losing. 

So how did i do altogether? Well my profits were: 

Sunday - £1.80
Monday - £15
Tuesday - £0 (lost bonus money)
Wednesday - £21.41
Thursday - £25
Friday - £24.52
Saturday - £0 (didn't play)
Sunday - £25.38

So from Sunday to Sunday I managed to 'earn' £113.11 

I know for some people that might seem like a pretty small amount - I know its reasonably easy to win £100 in an hour some days, or even 10 minutes.  I've been there and done that.  But this is money i have made in around 15 minutes play each day without taking any big risks of losing that amount (or even more). 

 The main thing is it is also regular - not many people 'win' £100 every day, or every week even.  It is very possible however using this strategy i would be able to 'earn' £100+ every week.  I'd be very happy with an extra £5200 a year i can tell you! 

I also had 3 days in this 8 day period where i didn't add anything, or very much to the earning pot - i seem to be averaging around £20 a day so say that averages out at around £150 a week - £600 a month......thats a lot of cash in my view for 15 mins a day! 

Of course it is not guaranteed!! It is highly possible that i will have a bad week where i could lose all my deposits......Maybe this week was a one off??? who knows? anyway, i will be continuing to try the new strategy and see how it goes :D 

Friday 23 August 2013

It keeps working!

Well my change of tactics is still working out great :) 

Profits so far are:

Sunday - £1.80
Monday - £15
Tuesday - £0
Wednesday - £21.41
Thursday - £25
Friday - £24.52

So, a nice little profit of £87.73 so far this week with minimum risk! 

Of course it might not always work out like that - with this strategy i am risking £10 which can be very easy to lose (as i proved to myself on Tuesday).  By withdrawing my winnings each day though i am at least putting a barrier up to the gambling impulse to keep going should my luck change.  

How do you protect your money from losses when gambling? 

Wednesday 21 August 2013

More winnings :)

Well, i'm liking this new strategy i have to say! didn't have to add any money yesterday as i had £20 credited to my account as a bonus :) 

Then i blew it by not being careful - daft like that i am sometimes! 

Anyway, back to the strategy today and just managed to make £20 profit! Oh and a wee free daily game win of 41p as well :) 

So far i'm up by £37.21 :) AND the best bit is i have withdrawn that money so even if i have a day when i lose the £10 i add i'm still up ;) In fact i could have 3 days of losing my £10 and still be in the money........yes i'm liking this new strategy lots :D 

Monday 19 August 2013

So far so good....

So if you read my post yesterday you will know i am changing tactics this week for JPJ. Just trying something new really after losing £40 odds of my winnings.  The news is its working well so far......£10 added yesterday and £11.80 withdrawn, wee profit of £1.80 :) and today £10 added and £25 withdrawn :) 

I did have a little bit more than £25 at one point but bought some tickets for the 2p link game and had a few spins on Tiki Island too - had some wins on that today too:

I stopped betting when my account was at £25 and withdrew it :) 

So far then i am up by £16.80 ;) I like it!! :D 

I am still doing the free games too of course - Its Monday so a little change of games for this weeks daily free game - trying Double Bubble this week :) 

No luck yet but the strategy for frees is holding up :) 

Sunday 18 August 2013

Changing Tactics

I've just been sitting thinking about my recent loss of £40 odds - I had built that up from free game winnings and playing roulette so it was free money, but still i don't like losing money!! Its hard to avoid when gambling though isn't it? Is it???? 

Hmmmmm basically i was thinking if i hadn't left that money in the account then i wouldn't have gambled with it all and lost it.....maybe thats something i need to rethink!! 

So, today i thought i might try something a little bit different.  I don't really mind risking a small amount of cash (esp if its for research purposes) so the new plan is to start the week with £10, play a few games of roulette to bump it up gradually using 10p bets and withdraw it while i'm on the up.....

Now, this strategy depends on winning to start with or i wouldn't be up at all and the chances of winning straight away are pretty low so i need a cut off point - i figure if i don't win within the first 20 bets (£2) its time to stop and try again the following day.  It is an experiment but at least if it goes wrong i have only lost £10 right? 

Well, today i tried it - i put £10 into the account (which was back at zero cos i lost my £1.18 too), i played some games and got up to £13 odds then started losing again.  I decided to stop betting while i was still in profit and withdrew £11.80 - not a huge amount i know, but it is a profit and i am hoping to learn how to improve on the strategy as i go.

So far then i am +£1.80 - i will try it again tomorrow and see how i get on :) 

Friday 16 August 2013

And we are off again :)

Well after my account sadly emptied itself via the roulette wheel i have just been playing free games as usual.  Today i played the daily free game Tiki and had a little win :) 

Ok so its not a huge amount.....but this little win means i can start trying to build it up again :) I wonder how high i can get it this time! 

Monday 12 August 2013

Oh dear its Gone......

Well that starting balance didn't last long - its all gone and i'm back to zero.  I get days like that now and again but thankfully not too often! Never Mind....back to doing the frees and hope i win a few more to get me started again :) 

In the meantime i thought i'd try a few other sites - i like hunting out the no deposit ones for some more free chances of winning.  

Today i have tried  for a free £10 - won a few games on slots but not enough to meet wagering requirements and withdraw anything.

Good Luck if you betting today :) 

Saturday 10 August 2013

Starting Balance

I keep forgetting to keep a record of my starting balance so i can let you guys know how much i have won or lost on JPJ. Today i thought i would take a pic and post that :) 

So as you can see i have £30.44 in the account today! I wonder what i will have tomorrow :) 

Thursday 1 August 2013

quick tip for free games on jpj

Well as promised here is a little tip for winning on the free games on jpj - it won't work everytime, but i have noticed often the winning symbols are clustered together.

So if you are playing the double bubble free game for example when you find a winning symbol rather than an ooops work around it until you find another winning symbol.  I tend to go in lines then in the same direction until i find another ooops. 

This is my free game and the next square i will try is top line, second square across.  If that is an ooops then i will try second line down, third square across.  If that is an ooops i will try to find another winning symbol somewhere in the bottom 3 lines.

As you can see in my grid i have already won 5 free spins this week.  Using this strategy i tend to win free spins almost every week and often get 2 wins per free game.  

Try it and see how you get on ;) 

If you have tried other strategies for these games let me know how you have got on! 

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Winning from free games - JPJ

If you read my last post What is the Secret? you will know that i personally tend to win and keep that money because i usually know when to stop betting.  Another part of my strategy is to make the most of the free games.  Lots of people seem to think its not possible to win from the free games, but i do it all the time.  Granted its usually only a few pounds however it is literally money for nothing so why would you not play them? 

Some of the free games do require you to have wagered £2 in the past week to be able to play them, but in case you don't know this already the free bingo games in the value rooms over weekends all have no wagering requirements at all.

The free games that i win on most frequently are the daily free games - to get to these you just click on the free tab as shown below by the red arrow:  

I tend to change my daily free games each week as there are 4 to choose from.  This week i chose the double bubble free game and this morning i won 5 free spins on this slot game.

When you win free spins on Double Bubble this is the screen you will be taken to.  As you can see from this screen shot i started the day with a single penny in my account! 

With my first free spin i won £1.10 :)

Then, with my second free spin i won £5.55 :) 

Which meant my free spins won me £6.65 today - what a nice start to the morning! If i then use this money sensibly i can get a full 3 weeks of loads of free games - lets see if i can boost this total a bit more using just this money to wager........

Tomorrow i will share with you a little secret i discovered to increase the chances of winning on the free daily game on JPJ - I know you all want some tips ;)  

Sunday 21 July 2013

What is the Secret?

People often ask me "what is the secret?" they are convinced i know some secret system for betting as i seem to win on a regular basis.  The truth is i don't really have a secret - I tell everyone who will read or listen the same thing and that is you have to know when to stop.  

A perfect example of this is what happened to me earlier today.  I added £10 to my account and slowly but surely i worked my way up to £50 - its time to stop i thought, but i didn't.  I kept going and actually got up to £91. £100 would be a nice amount to stop at was in my head and so i kept going and guess what happened? Yep i lost it!!!

Thankfully i didn't lose it all but i was very close to it - i was down to £3.68 in the account because i kept trying to get back what i had lost - it just never seems to work that way and i should have stopped much much sooner but i just got the greed of wanting more winnings.  When i got down to £3.68 i just logged out of the account and kept telling myself how daft i was to not have stopped sooner. 

Anyway, after a good few hours of doing other things i thought i would have a little go at boosting that amount back up a bit.  Using my usual 10p bets thing i did manage to get the account looking a bit better.  In the end i withdrew my winnings when i had £35 in the account (a profit of £25) - i could have kept going but hey i thought £25 is a nice little boost to the earning account so don't risk it a second time! Had i kept going i might have made it to £100........then again i might have been left with 1p! The reason i think i make money from my gambling accounts is because i don't (usually) keep gambling when my head says stop......

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Double Money

I do like the idea of taking some money and doubling it - i've done it before with buying and selling, doubling my savings on something and of course when i'm having a little gamble - today i deposited £30 and turned in into £65.87 :) I left the £5.87 in the account to play with and withdrew the £60 - might have another play later but for now i have things to do so have to leave it at that.

I also have this idea of trying to win £35 a day which would give me an income of roughly £1,085 a month......interesting thought but can i do it i wonder? 

Monday 15 July 2013

£1.95 to £135

I have had a few little bets on JPJ over the past few days without much luck and my £10 had gone down to £1.95 :( I don't like loosing LOL! Thankfully i'd had the good sense to not send more money after the losses and i just left the £1.95 in my account.

This afternoon i thought i'll have another wee go to see if i can boost it back up again to the £10 i had before.  Using roulette i placed 10p bets on the black/red option as this is one of the least risky, and nursed the amount up to £3.50.  Sticking with the 10p bets i kept going and got it up to £5.....£10......£15. 

 Should i keep going or be happy to have made it back up past that £10 figure i wondered, well maybe £20 would be good hahahaha! The patterns were pretty easy to follow so i thought keep going a little bit more - when i got to £50 i thought don't push your luck too far, but the patterns were still with me.  Being very careful not to go too far if i was guessing wrong colours i kept it going a bit more and a bit more.  When i got to £115 in the account i thought, right time to withdraw some so £100 was sent to my bank account!

 I did wonder how long the patterns would last for and i managed to get it up to £135 before i started to loose track and my guessing was going a bit wrong for more than a few bets - time to stop in my book that is.  I couldn't believe i managed to turn £1.95 into £135 (tho i lost £5 again so its really £130) think thats the best turn around yet :) 

Hopefully i will boost the £30 up as well - i like using winnings to win some more :) 

Saturday 13 July 2013

JPJ - WoW Weekends

The main site i use for gambling is JackPot Joy where my username is fairyclicks should you wish to use it to sign up or send me a friend request - i signed up about a year ago now via a cash back offer, played some bingo and won about £200 odds. I was very impressed with my winnings and kept using JPJ but mostly for free games and just made the odd £10 deposit. 

Over the year i have won several times from free games and some purchased tickets.  I was a bit scared to do much else on the site because of a fear of loosing money when i was already struggling to pay bills.  More recently however i have started using the site a lot more and have started to enjoy the various promotions and of course the winning :) 

One of the current offers on JPJ is called WoW weekends and this has been running for a few weeks now.  

This is a really fun giveaway where anything can happen - its a random giveaway that runs for free every weekend - all you have to do is be in the right place at the right time and you can win - look out for tiki monkey running across the screen which indicates a giveaway is about to happen :)

The giveaways so far have included sweets, shower curtains, slinky's keyrings, ipods, kindles, digital cameras and many many more things! 

Ts & Cs 

You must be over 18 and a resident of the UK or Ireland (and be located in one of those countries when you participate).
You must be a member of our website, which means that you must accept our website Terms and Conditions which can be found here. You can sign up as a member here.
Each time you are in a chat room at any time on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th July, you may be selected at random to win a prize. If you are selected as a winner, this will be announced in the chat room immediately. We will have the final overall decision over winner selection and this decision is final.
A total of 100 Winners will be selected at random (50 on Saturday and 50 on Sunday).
Prizes are random and can be any object from a slinky to a Kindle.
If you are selected as a winner, once your details are verified, your prize will be sent to you. Please ensure your contact details stated in “My Account” section are up to date, to ensure that we send your prize to the correct address.
Please allow 30 days for delivery from the date that you claim your prize.  
No alternative prize will be given and the prize is non-transferable and non-exchangeable.
It is your responsibility to pay any and all applicable taxes on prizes.
A prize will not be awarded to you if, for any reason, to do so would be unlawful.
We won't be liable if any prize fails to reach you or you cannot take it for reasons beyond our control, or if any prize is damaged during delivery.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Welcome to Risky Manoeuvres!

Welcome to this new blog which will be about my gambling activities as a means of making an income.  I have been using various online sites for a while now and have had some very good results.  I started off trying to figure out how to make the most of earning opportunities from these sites and using various promotions to my advantage.

I am no expert when it comes to gambling but i have figured out some ways to make some money while risking little of my own cash - i don't have huge amounts of money that i can afford to loose!!!

I have spent some time using a few different sites, but mainly jackpot joy and have managed to get some decent amounts of cash just by paying attention to what it is i am doing. This blog will document my own gambling activities and hopefully my winnings as well :)

Today i started with just £10 in my account (which i left in there yesterday) and managed to turn that into £27.51 in about 20 minutes.  I used a combination of roulette and slot games on Jackpot Joy (JPJ) and basically just played roulette until i had bumped my total up to £25.  I gave myself a strict limit of 20 spins on Wonderland Slot (one of my favourites) and after a few losses and wins i left £10 in that account and withdrew £17.51.

Yesterday, I deposited £10 and bumped my total up to £40 purely on roulette, i withdrew £30 and left the £10 there for using again :)

So far, starting from yesterday i am up by £47.51 - i may have another few games later but for now i have stopped because i have other things i need to get done! I will be posting about some of the current promotions once i get some more time to explain them properly.